Physical Education

“The difference that high quality Physical Education, School Sport & Physical Activity make to the lives of young people is quite remarkable” Association for PE

Lead teacher: Mr Darby

Link governor: Paul Wilde

Welcome to PE! Please click on the school badges below to see the INTENT of our PE curriculum, how we IMPLEMENT our PE curriculum and the IMPACT of our PE curriculum:

School-Logo-hi-res-Edgworth-Primary PURPLE PANTONE 2105C-05.jpg School-Logo-hi-res-Edgworth-Primary PURPLE PANTONE 2105C-05.jpg School-Logo-hi-res-Edgworth-Primary PURPLE PANTONE 2105C-05.jpg


Physical Education at Turton and Edgworth Primary School offers opportunities for children to become skilful performers who acquire and develop skills with increasing competence and confidence through a range of physical activities. We recognise that Physical Education encourages a healthy lifestyle, promotes self-esteem, develops competitiveness in a positive manner and encourages team work and co-operation. All children, regardless of ability are encouraged to achieve their potential.

We aim to:

  • encourage children to develop and explore physical skills with increasing control and co-ordination
  • encourage children to take initiative, lead activities and develop children’s performance and evaluation of their own success
  • develop children’s skills and ability to apply rules and conventions for different activities
  • to teach children to recognise and describe how their bodies feel during exercise
  • to develop the children’s enjoyment of physical activity through creativity and imagination and provide them with the ability to make informed decisions about the importance of maintaining an active lifestyle
  • increase pupil participation in physical activity both with and outside of curriculum time, extending and forging links between school and the community
  • Provide safe and effective exercise procedures, including warm ups, cool downs and checks of the areas where activities will take place
  • Invite appropriate qualified professionals to contribute to the provision of extra curricular activities
  • Provide opportunities for staff and parents to gain appropriate qualifications so they can be involved in extra curricular activities
  • Encourage staff, parents and governors to participate in activities

Extra-curricular Clubs

The school provides a range of PE-related activities for children at lunch time and at the end of the school day. The school sends details of the current club activities to children and parents at the beginning of each term and a wide range of activities are provided to encourage all children to participate. These give children the chance to represent their school in competitions and festivals. 

The school also plays regular fixtures by participating in the Lancashire and National School Sports Games. This introduces a competitive element to team games and allows the children to put into practice the skills that they have developed in their lessons. Friendly competition is also seen as a positive experience for our children so we hold competitive inter-year and inter-house competitions.

We have Play Leaders in Year 6 who are trained on how to deliver playground games. These are shared with the other children on the yard with the hope they will teach younger children a wider range of games that they can play independently.

School PE Kit

Children come to school wearing their PE kit on the days that they have PE. The PE uniform is purple T&E t-shirt and black shorts. Black T&E zip-up training top. T&E badged black joggers or plain black joggers with no design or image. Sturdy trainers (not fashion trainers).

All children in all year groups to have traditional pumps kept in school.

The School provides ‘Team Kit’ for children who represent the school in competitions or festivals.